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Azienda Agricola

Producer ID

Hay and Fodder

Article 7, Section 2,
Letter d) of Italian
law no. 123
dated 13 April 1999


Mezzadri Brothers Zoocasearia
Where Parmesan cheese is made...


In the midst of the Terre Verdiane (Verdi Country), along the Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori (Wine and Dine Route), just 1 km from Busseto, is the Mezzadri Farm where it raises its herd of Frisona and Pezzata Rossa Montbeliarde dairy cows.

This is the beginning of the production cycle which we handle directly, from the feeding of our livestock with good-quality hay and fodder created on the farm from material raised in our own fields. Our farm is registered in accordance with article 7, section 2, letter d) of Italian law no. 123 dated 13 April 1999.

We also handle the milking and, in our dairy, the milk is transformed into Parmigiano Reggiano parmesan cheese, ricotta, butter and fresh cheeses.

Thanks to this, we are able to guarantee the absolute quality and traceability of the final product: "Parmigiano Reggiano" parmesan cheese

The buttermilk left from the process (whey) is used to feed the pigs we raise to produce the fine cured meats of the Parma countryside.

Our farm shop also sells other products for which the area is famous:

  • Culatello di Zibello D.O.P.
    (prime cut of Parma ham)

  • Prosciutto di Parma (Parma ham)

  • Traditional cured meats of the Parma area

  • Local white and red wines

  • Honey


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